A Collective Reading of Lyn Hejinian’s “My Life”
Small Press Traffic is delighted to welcome our community to celebrate and honor our friend and mentor, Lyn Hejinian, by collectively reading her masterpiece, My Life. The gathering will be hosted by Lee Choi, who will offer an introduction and guidance throughout.
This event is open to everyone and will follow a loose participatory style in which all are encouraged to read when moved to do so.
Saturday, February 22 | 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Saturday, February 22, 2025
5:00 pm
Berkeley Finnish Hall
1970 Chestnut St
Berkeley, CA
There are 7 stairs up to the auditorium which unfortunately is not wheelchair accessible.
최 Lindsay | Lindsay Choi
Based in Berkeley, CA, 최 Lindsay is the author of Transverse (Futurepoem, 2021), which was a finalist for the 2022 Lambda Literary Award in Transgender Poetry. They are also the author of the chapbooks Who Can Remember His Past Lives (Belladonna* Chaplet Series, 2022), and Matrices (speCt! Books, 2017). Their work has appeared or is forthcoming in translation in Nioques, 22/23: Nouvelle Poésie des États-Unis (New U.S. Poetry), edited by DoubleChange Collective and translated to French by Abigail Lang, and Tydningen, translated to Swedish by Sara Wengström. Recent writing can be found in Amerarcana and Aster(ix) Journal. They are a Kundiman fellow and a Ph.D. candidate in English at UC Berkeley, and they run the chapbook press MO(0)ON/IO. Visit them at lindsaychoi.com.