Small Press Traffic

a semicolon with a green bottom and a yellow top, made to look like a dandelion.

Uncovering Alice Rahon: Reading + Gallery Opening

Alice Rahon, La cuadra, 18 x 21 1/2 in (46 x 55 cm), Oil and sand on canvas, 1942-1950

Alice Paalen Rahon was a shapeshifter — a surrealist poet turned painter born in France, and who died as a naturalized citizen of Mexico. Celebrating her first solo exhibition in over forty-five years, Small Press Traffic presents a poetry reading at the opening of Gallery Wendi Norris’ new location. The event will feature a video reading from special guest, Mary Ann Caws, editor and translator of NYRB’s recent publication of Shapeshifter, a collection of poems by Alice Rahon.

Mary Ann Caws will read selected poems from the book in French and English, and will be followed by three local writers: Cole Solinger, Layla Forrest-White, and Yedda Morrison.

Exhibition on view: October 1-November 5, 2022

Uncovering Alice Rahon features seminal, rarely-seen works from the artist’s oeuvre, revealing her mastery of oil and sand painting, assemblage, and sculpture with seventeen works on display. Learn more about the exhibition.


Saturday, October 1, 2022
6:00 pm


Gallery Wendi Norris

436 Jackson Street, SF


Wheelchair accessible.

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Mary Ann Caws

Mary Ann Caws an art historian, literary critic, and translator, is Distinguished Professor of English, French, and Comparative Literature in the Graduate School of the City University of New York. She is the author, editor, or translator of more than forty books in the fields of poetry and the avant-garde.

Cole Solinger

Cole Solinger is a poet and curator living & working in San Francisco. He is the co-founder of Delaplane and is soon opening a gallery and performance space of his own. Published works of his can be found in The Quarterless Review, Keith LLC, Spectra, and Dirt Children. His work delivers concise observations from myriad sources with great emphasis on the pause. Themes of the human condition, love, grief, the entanglements of Wikipedia sources, and so on all collide in a spree of language that dictates itself.

Layla Forrest-White

Layla Forrest-White is a Latin teacher and writer living in Oakland. She grew up in San Francisco, and made it as far as Berkeley for graduate school, where she received a PhD in Comparative Literature. She loves basketball, swimming, Proust, and all things ancient, and can be reached along with her co-writer, Claire Grossman, at (10 es) for tuna salad tips, love advice, trend forecasts, and other things.

Yedda Morrison

Yedda Morrison is a writer and visual artist working as a photo stylist. Her books include; Crop (Kelsey Street Press), Girl Scout Nation (Displaced Press), Darkness (MakeNow Press) and The Arrangement (Krupskaya Press). She is an original member of the Collective Task and a founding editor of Tripwire, a Journal of Poetics. Yedda lives in San Francisco with her daughter.

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