Small Press Traffic

a semicolon with a green bottom and a yellow top, made to look like a dandelion.

Jameson Fitzpatrick, Kimberly Alidio, Eric Sneathen, Danishta Rivero


Readings by Jameson Fitzpatrick and Kimberly Alidio, with an introduction by Eric Sneathen and music by Danishta Rivero.

Presented in partnership with UC Berkeley Poetry Colloquium.


Friday, October 16, 2020
6:00 pm


Online via Zoom


Full closed captioning available for all Zoom events.

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Jameson Fitzpatrick

Jameson Fitzpatrick is the author of the poetry collection Pricks in the Tapestry (Birds, LLC, 2020), and the chapbooks Mr. & (Indolent Books, 2018) and Morrisroe: Erasures (89plus/LUMA Publications, 2014). A recipient of fellowships from the Pocantico Center and the New York State Council on the Arts/New York Foundation for the Arts, she teaches expository writing at New York University.

Kimberly Alidio

Kimberly Alidio is the author of Teeter (Nightboat Books), why letter ellipses (selva oscura press), : once teeth bones coral : (Belladonna*), and after projects the resound (Black Radish Books). Her writing has been nominated for the United States Artists Fellowship and awarded the Nightboat Poetry Prize. She lives on Munsee-Mohican lands along the Mahicannituck River, otherwise known as New York’s Upper Hudson Valley.
Eric Sneathen

Eric Sneathen is a poet and queer literary historian living in Oakland. He is a co-founder of the small poetry press Dogpark Collective. With Lauren Levin, he is editing Honey Mine, the selected fictions of Camille Roy (forthcoming from Nightboat Books). With Daniel Benjamin, he organized Communal Presence: New Narrative Writing Today and edited The Bigness of Things: New Narrative and Visual Culture (Wolfman Books, 2017). His first book, Snail Poems, was published by Krupskaya, and recent work can be found in Amerarcana, Berkeley Poetry Review, Mirage #5/Period(ical), P-Queue, and Snail Trail. His most recent chapbook, I Fill This Room with the Echo of Many Voices, was published by eyelet press.

Danishta Rivero

Danishta Rivero is an improviser, performer, and sound artist based in Oakland, California. She explores the artifacts resulting from heavy processing of the voice and their relationship to its acoustic resonating presence. As a soloist, Rivero often performs as Caribay, conjuring the eponymous mountain spirit, whose laments cause avalanches. She is a member of electro-acoustic duo Voicehandler with percussionist Jacob Felix Heule. She is also half of Las Sucias, a feminist tropical noise duo with Alexandra Buschman-Román.

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