Small Press Traffic

a semicolon with a green bottom and a yellow top, made to look like a dandelion.

Gia Gonzales + Muriel Leung + Jocelyn Saidenberg


Poets Gia Gonzales, Muriel Leung, and Jocelyn Saidenberg will be reading their work at Et al.

Doors at 7, reading and livestream at 7:30.



Friday, September 29 | 7:00 pm
Friday, September 29, 2023
7:00 pm


Et al. etc.
2831A Mission St, SF


Et al. etc.'s exhibition spaces are on the ground floor; the entrance and bathrooms are wheelchair-accessible.

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Gia Gonzales

Gia Gonzales is a poet based in New York City, where she was born. Her work has most recently appeared in baest: a journal of queer forms and affects, Femmescapes, Bomb Cyclone: A Journal of Ecopoetics, and variously with the Poetry Project. She is the author of the chapbook RENDER SLEAZE  (Portable Press @ Yo-Yo Labs, 2023) and is currently the managing editor at Nightboat Books.

Muriel Leung

Muriel Leung is the author of the forthcoming novel-in-stories How to Fall in Love in a Time of Unnamable Disaster (W.W. Norton & Company) and several collections that include Imagine Us, The Swarm (Nightboat Books), Bone Confetti (Noemi Press), and Images Seen to Images Felt (Antenna) in collaboration with artist Kristine Thompson. A Pushcart Prize nominated writer, her writing can be found in BOMB Magazine, The Baffler, Cream City Review, Gulf Coast, The Collagist, Fairy Tale Review, and others. She is a recipient of fellowships to Kundiman, VONA/Voices Workshop, Community of Writers, Mendocino Coast Writers’ Conference, among others. She is on the Board of Directors for Apogee Journal. She received her PhD in Creative Writing and Literature from University of Southern California. Currently, she serves as faculty at the California Institute of the Arts.

Jocelyn Saidenberg

Jocelyn Saidenberg is a Bay Area writer, educator, and founding publisher of Krupskaya Books. She is the author of several published collections of poetry and chapbooks, and in 2024 two books are forthcoming: If an Elsewhere, a collaboration with visual artist, Cybele Lyle, published by Kelsey Street Press, and Echo Otherwise: A Poetics of Sound and Loss in Ancient and Contemporary Poetry, published by Punctum Books.

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