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Jacob Kahn + Diane Ward, introduced by Sophia Dahlin


Readings by Jacob Kahn and Diane Ward, with an introduction by Sophia Dahlin.


Friday, April 1, 2022
7:00 pm


Wheelchair accessible.

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Jacob Kahn

Jacob Kahn is a poet and editor living in Oakland, CA. He is the author of Mine Eclogue (Roof Books, 2022), the chapbooks A Is For Aegis (Doublecross Press, 2022), Mine Eclogue (Dirty Swan Projects, 2019) and A Circuit of Yields (Wolfman Books, 2014). Recent writing can be found in Salones de Belleza / The Beauty Salons (Gato Negro Ediciones/Wolfman Books, 2021), Lana Turner 12, grama, Mirage #5 Period(ical), and Full Stop Quarterly. From 2016–2020, he was a managing editor, curator, and bookseller at Wolfman Books, a bookstore, small press, and community arts hub in downtown Oakland. In 2018, he was a fellow at Epicenter in Green River, UT, a rural design studio and community-based artist residency. He is an editor of the poetry chapbook press, Eyelet Press, which he cofounded with Sophia Dahlin in 2019, and currently works as a freelance grantwriter and copyeditor, and as a library aide at the Berkeley Public Library.

Diane Ward

Diane Ward was born in Washington, DC and currently lives in Oakland, California. She attended the Corcoran College of Art in DC, and earned a PhD in Geography at UCLA. Her books of poetry include a collaboration with Tina Darragh and Jane Sprague in #8 of the Belladonna Elders series, No List (no list), Seeing Eye Books, Flim-Yoked Scrim, Factory School, and When You Awake from Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs. “InHouse,” appeared in Kindergarde, the First Avant Garde Anthology for Children and was included in the Black Mountain Anthology from Lorimer Press. Her poem, “Fade on Family,” was used by the Los Angeles composer Michael Webster, and performed in 2005 as part of The Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound series at the Schindler House in West Hollywood. She was a member of the Los Angeles-based Readers Chorus that performed at Disney Hall, and the Museum of Jurassic Technology, among other places. She is a UCCE Master Gardener and works alongside others to advance urban agriculture in Oakland.

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