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“Dreams of an Impossible Princess”: Book Launch for Kevin Killian’s Selected Amazon Reviews


Please join us for the launch of Kevin Killian’s Selected Amazon Reviews published by Semiotext(e) with an introduction by Wayne Koestenbaum and an afterward by Dodie Bellamy.

We’ll celebrate with a slate of readings from David Buuck, Marcus Ewert, Kota Ezawa, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Randall Mann & London Pinkney and a conversation between Dodie Bellamy and Hedi El Kholti.



Friday, December 6 | Doors at 7 PM, Reading at 7:30 PM
Friday, December 6, 2024
7:00 pm


Et al.
2831a Mission St, SF


Et al.'s exhibition spaces are on the ground floor; the entrance and bathrooms are wheelchair-accessible.

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Kevin Killian

Kevin Killian was a poet, author, editor, and playwright. For decades, he was a charismatic participant in San Francisco's New Narrative writing circle. He was the co-founder of the Poets Theater, an influential poetry, stage, and performance group, and co-edited My Vocabulary Did This to Me: The Collected Poetry of Jack Spicer (2009) with Peter Gizzi.

Dodie Bellamy

Dodie Bellamy is novelist, poet, and essayist, who, in her own words, champions "the vulnerable, the fractured, the disenfranchised, the fucked-up". Recent books include Bee Reaved (Semiotext[e], 2021) and When the Sick Rule the World (Semiotext[e], 2015), among others. She and Kevin Killian edited Writers Who Love Too Much: New Narrative 1977-1997 (Nightboat, 2017).
Hedi El Kholti

Hedi El Kholti is a writer and editor based in Los Angeles. He is coeditor of Semiotext(e), alongside Chris Kraus, and editor of Semiotext(e)’s “occasional intellectual journal,” Animal Shelter.

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