Small Press Traffic

a semicolon with a green bottom and a yellow top, made to look like a dandelion.

Leena Joshi + Sophia Dahlin, introduced by Claire Grossman


Readings by Leena Joshi and Sophia Dahlin, with an introduction by Claire Grossman.


Friday, May 20, 2022
7:00 pm


Wheelchair accessible.

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Leena Joshi

Leena Joshi is an artist, poet, and educator working across sculpture, video, performance, and text. Their work tends to the labor of appearance, illness, and desire for queer, racialized, and gendered people. Their projects often use the digital and virtual as spaces to explore a shifting, insufficient, and expansive definition of personhood. Leena’s written works can be found in SFMoMA’s Open Space, baest: a journal of queer forms and affects, Berkeley Poetry Review, the Felt, Monday: the Jacob Lawrence Gallery Journal, and TAGVVERK, among others. They hold an MFA from the University of California, Berkeley's department of Art Practice and work as the Digital Media Instructor at Creative Growth Arts Center in Oakland, California.

Sophia Dahlin

Sophia Dahlin is a poet in the East Bay. She teaches generative poetry workshops, co-runs two reading series, and edits, with Jacob Kahn, the chapbook press Eyelet. Her first book, Natch, came out from City Lights in 2020.

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