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a semicolon with a green bottom and a yellow top, made to look like a dandelion.

Mihee Kim, Jean Day, Truong Tran, Aja Couchois Duncan


Celebrating the release of two new books by Bay Area poets Aja Couchois Duncan (Vestigial, Litmus Press) and Truong Tran (Book of the Other, Kaya Press). They will be joined by Mihee Kim, whose book Nomenclaure is forthcoming from Kelsey St. Press, and Jean Day, whose book Late Human was published by Ugly Duckling Presse earlier this year.

Vestigial (from the Latin vestigium, meaning “footprint”) tracks a poetic narrative across multiple chronologies and scales—from the personal to the geologic. Following her debut collection Restless Continent (Litmus Press, 2016), Aja Couchois Duncan continues to investigate ecology and heritage as a story of entangled becoming, synchronizing movements of deep time with the transient substance of touch.

A piercing, furious examination of the devastation wrought on a life by institutional platitudes put in the service of unexamined privilege, Truong Tran’s provocative collection of poetry, prose, and essays, Book of the Other, resists the luxury of metaphor to write about the experience of being shut out, shut down, and othered as an immigrant, refugee, and queer man.


Friday, December 3, 2021
7:00 pm


The Lab

2948 16th St, SF

YouTube livestream


A wheelchair lift can be accessed through the center doors of the Redstone Building (2940 16th Street). Contact SPT in advance if you will need the doors to the lift open. The Lab supports Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) through its mixing board. Each bathroom has one stall with a 35 inch clearance at the door. Unfortunately, they do not seem to have much of a turning radius inside the stall (both stalls are 40-42 inches wide).

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Mihee Kim

Mihee Kim is a writer, artist and intuitive practitioner. She works across disciplines and traditions, foraying between language, multi-modal collage, energy traditions and craft forms. Her poetry has been nominated for multiple Best of the Nets, a Pushcart Prize, and her manuscript was named a finalist for the Bergman Prize. Mihee is currently seeking publication for her 1st book of poetry, The Closing Petal at Night. She earned a BA from UC Berkeley and an MFA at California College of the Arts. Mihee is the Managing Director of Kearny Street Workshop, a longstanding arts nonprofit for Asian Pacific Americans.
Jean Day

Jean Day is a poet, academic editor, and (in recent years) union activist whose involvement in the San Francisco Bay Area poetry scene spans more than four decades. She's the author of many books of poetry, the most recent of which is Late Human, published by Ugly Duckling Presse in 2021. Forthcoming works in 2022 include The Matter, a chapbook from Asterion Projects, and,The Night Before the Day on Which, a book of poems from Roof Books. She lives in Berkeley.

Truong Tran

Truong Tran was born in Saigon, Vietnam. He is the author of 6 previous collections of poetry, The Book of Perceptions, Placing the Accents, Dust and Conscience, Within The Margins, Four Letter Words and 100 Words (Co-authored with Damon Potter). He also authored the children’s book, Going Home Coming Home, an artist monograph, I Meant To Say Please Past the Sugar. His poems have been translated into Spanish, French and Dutch. He is the recipient of The Poetry Center Prize, The Fund For Poetry Grant, The California Arts Council Grant and numerous San Francisco Arts Commission Grants. He lives in San Francisco and currently teaches at Mills College, Oakland. His much-anticipated Book of The Other arrives in Nov 2021 from Kaya Press.

Aja Couchois Duncan

Aja Couchois Duncan is a social justice coach and capacity builder of Ojibwe, French and Scottish descent who lives on the ancestral and stolen land of the Coastal Miwok people. Her debut collection, Restless Continent (Litmus Press, 2016) was selected by Entropy Magazine as one of the best poetry collections of 2016 and awarded the California Book Award for Poetry in 2017. In 2020, Sweet Land—a collaborative opera project which brought together composers Raven Chacon and Du Yun, librettists Aja Couchois Duncan and Douglas Kearney, and co-directors Cannupa Hanska Luger and Yuval Sharon—was produced in the Los Angeles State Historic Park to critical acclaim. Her newest book, Vestigial is just out from Litmus Press. When not writing or working, Aja can be found running the west Marin hills with her Australian Cattle Dog Dublin, training with horses, or weaving small pine needle baskets. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University and a variety of other degrees and credentials to certify her as human. Great Spirit knew it all along.

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